What is it?

The Runewizard lets you easily check what runewords you can make with the runes you have.
Click on the runes to indicate which ones you have found. The available runewords will be highlighted automatically.
The table can be sorted, try clicking on "Type" to sort runewords by equipment type, you may find it useful!


The runes are listed in order of rarity, from the most common to the most rare, from top to bottom, and left to right. The vertical groups of runes represent roughly Common, Semi-Rare, and Extremely Rare runes.

Note about Cookies

This page remembers which runes you have selected by saving them in a "cookie" in your web browser. Thus, be aware that clearing/deleting cookies in your browser will reset the selected runes.


Project Diablo is an active mod so this information may be out of date. Refer to the PD2 wiki for all information and use at your own risk! You can report issues with the rune wizard on github or reddit.

Last updated: 02/07/2021

Rune Stash Import

  1. Export your PD2 character stash to a txt file by pressing Numpad 5 in game. You will see a message with the file name.
    **Note, the export hotkey has been temporarily disabled in PD2. To export, open the PD2 settings (CTRL+click), go to the StashExport tab, check the Export On Menu option, and then press Esc.
  2. Find the file on your computer and open it in notepad. Copy/paste the entire contents of the .txt file into the box below. Click anywhere outside the box.
  3. The Rune Wizard will update all of the new runes that you have collected. It will not unmark runes, only add new, so you may want to Clear above first.


Runeword Rune Rune Rune Rune Rune Rune Type Missing Runes